Monday, February 28, 2011

Metro Theatre Production

This Saturday and Sunday I attended my internship at metro theatre. The production is roughly 2 hours long when the intermission is included. I am now able to control all the sound and light on my own. I control all the cues from the back room and I am no longer required any supervision. At first it was a little overwhelming because it was important to ensure that all the amps and monitors were on because if you miss one the whole show can be thrown off. By Sundays show I had the whole procedure down from start to finish. As I learn more and more, the production and experience becomes more enjoyable. I was very surprised at the amount of people that came out to see the show considering how difficult the weather was to drive in. The room can hold a capacity of 287 people. The average amount of people to watch the show usually ranges from 20-80 people. In the snowy conditions 40 people still came to watch the show. Overall this has been an amazing experience and I look forward to returning to Metro.

Click Metro Theatre to see more!

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