Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Sunday!

The last day working in the afternoon was a breeze. I now know how to operate all technology in an appropriate manner. This experience has not only taught me the technology of the production but how to manage my time and problem solve properly. I learned how to meet a time frame and plan out how to arrive on time. After acquiring that, the cue calls came easy. As long as I listened and stayed focused, everything went as planned. When a certain piece of technology was not working I was able to fix it or call in another coworker for help. This experience taught me many things and I am very excited to start working on 42nd street. The following play has a larger cast and much more to accomplish, so my newly acquired skills will be put to the test. I have yet to decide in which area I would like to help with. I have been offered to help with set up, following lights, sounds/lighting cues, programming, touch ups and scenery. I know that no matter which one I chose or which one I am assigned to I will have a great time learning about it.

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