Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Overall my time at Metro

At metro theatre the first production I helped out with was called the Dinning Room. The production is roughly 2 hours long with the intermission included. I learned how to control all the sound and light on my own. I controlled all the cues from the back room and after time I no longer required any supervision. At first it was a little overwhelming because it was important to ensure that all the amps and monitors were on because if you miss one the whole show can be thrown off. By the next show I had the whole procedure down from start to finish. This learning experience was challenging at first but as I went on the production and experience became more enjoyable. Through out this experience I got the chance to meet all the actors and crew members. For the first time I had the privilege of seeing a director in action. I was able to expand my knowledge in all aspects of production. In the directing aspect, I learned blocking, voice control, stage business and percent of expression. These are all major things to watch for while directing a production. I realized how much time and effort goes into the lighting and sound. First the cues must be created and matched to the actor’s stage position. The sound is a little simpler because the sound effects are only used for preshow music and intermission. The light and sound cues must be in sync for the show to look proper. I know that each actor devoted a large amount of their time to make the production as perfect as it could be. Metro theatre is a community theatre so all of the workers and actors are unpaid. This proves that each person there is there because they love what they’re doing. Overall that’s what makes the play as great as it is. The second production I helped out with was 42nd street in this production I worked as a follow spot. As follow spot I was required to respond to lighting cues and follow the actors as they move around stage. A follow spot is used with the intention to emphasize a certain actor or a certain spot on stage. 42nd street has been an extremely great experience. The various sets of the play are all incredible and the actors and orchestra couldn’t be more dedicated. Metro theatre has helped me discover how much I love all the aspects of production.

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