Thursday, April 7, 2011

what 42nd street is all about

42nd street is a tale of a young girl named Peggy sawyer who dreams to one day be the star of Pretty Lady, but when she comes to the audition she is too late. All the positions have been filled. While she is standing outside the audition doors a boy named Billy Lawlor insists in helping her get a spot in the play. Peggy runs into the director Julian Marsh and he lets her know that there is room for her in the play if she is a fast learner. Dorothy is the star of Pretty Lady but is also a prima donna and past her prime her husband Abner Dillon is the financial banking of the whole production. Although Abner Dillon is her husband she loves another by the name of Pat Denning. Julian soon finds out that Dorothy is seeing old boyfriend Pat Denning behind Abner's back. Knowing this could destroy the show's future, he decides to put an end to their affair. He calls up an unsavory acquaintance and Pat Denning is visited by a couple of thugs who tell him to flee. On opening night during rehearsal Peggy crashes into Dorothy and Dorothy breaks her ankle. Peggy is immediately fired. With no star of the show the cast brainstorms who could replace Dorothy. Finally Julian realizes that the only person suitable is Peggy herself! He rushes off to the train station to catch Peggy before she departs. He catches Peggy and she agrees to be the new star. With only 2 days to learn the lead part. The show goes on and is a major success. Peggy Sawyer then becomes a star.


  1. I love when the story is about someone trying to make it in a movie or play, an actor or actress acting just seems so much harder. It sounds like 42nd street will be a success :)

  2. That sounds like a really awesome play! And Peggy sounds very cute :)
